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One Month in Italy

So today marks my first month in Italy. It makes me both happy and sad. I'm thrilled to be and be settling into grove of school and housework and social events. The roommates and I went out the other night and ended up at the Jazz Club. It is something out a movie to me. Entrance is by membership only (only €7, which includes a free drink card) and the actual club/lounge is below street level. The music there was killer! Not at all what I'd expected. It wasn't smooth, mellow jazz but more a upbeat funky compilation, and it was packed to the gills the night we went.

I'm also a bit sad that the first month has already passed. It seems much to quick! Spring break is fast approaching and with it, the dread midterms. Speaking of which, the classes I'm taking are not really what I had expected. The film class is very loose in structure, as well as the literature class. The human sexuality class is more or less what I had imagined but the optional language class is not at all like I had thought it'd be. I have taken over 11 years of Spanish and last semester took an Italian class, but the class here is unlike those both. It is very brief and glosses over much of the structure and grammar of the Italian language. For my learning style, I would be better off with more structure rather than the knowledge of a random assortment of words and phrases.

Nevertheless, I am excited to see what the rest of the trip has in store for me. This weekend is the Rome excursion, which is so crazy to think about, but the only--slight--issue is it will almost definitely be raining and it has be SNOWING! which is something I hadn't expected in Florence nor Rome. Milan, Switzerland, Germany, sure snow in winter makes sense. Not in Florence and much less Rome!

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