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Ventian (mini)Vacation

This week was busy. Between trying to keep up with laundry and house duties, and of course school, I have had almost no time to draw or paint or do much exploring. However, this was the 1st week in which we did not have classes on Friday to make up for the 1st week. And what made this weekend even better--as I'm sure you'd've guessed by the title of this post--was the fact that it was the Venice trip.

Now, I've gotta say, the only thing about the hotel room I liked was that the shower actually has HOT water! Luckily, the rest of Venice was a lot more appealing. I have a hard time recognizing I'm actually visiting these historic landmarks and get to walk (so. much. walking.) through the narrow, quirky streets of Venezia. The canal water was surprisingly cyan and calm; the odd, maze-like corridors and streets that abruptly end in canal water; and the water bus rides were very nice as well as a little cold.

When it was time to walk a guided tour of the Dodges' Palace, I was amazed at the structure and art of the building. The ceilings in nearly room every would take me days to fully see, and the quirky little facts about the place--like how it used to have grievance mailboxes, and all but one on the building were destroyed. Basilica of San Marco, the church right next door was a masterpiece. Both inside and out, there are so many little details and so much thought put behind it all it really did take my breath away when I first saw it. However, watch out for the seagulls at St. Mark's Basilica....they are not shy and will fly away with your food (it happened to my friend)!

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